This is how she might look like...
Olga Ippolitovna Borshova (maiden name Kutaisova) (1835 - 1900).
This photo is generated by AI. Since no real photograph of the person in question was available, the image was generated based on the author's description in the travelogue.
Avrupa'da Bir Cevelan p. 685 (a20-a24)
Bu kadın yaşınca altmışa takarrüb eytmiş ise de uzun boylı geniş sadırlı gayet yakışıklı ve bundan yiğirmi otuz sene mukaddem hâiz oldığı cemâli be-ikmâl hala besbelli mütebessim nazik bir kadındır.

This photo is generated by AI. Since no real photograph of the person in question was available, the image was generated based on the author's description in the travelogue.
Although in terms of age she is approaching sixty, she is a tall, broad-chested, very pretty, smiling and gracious woman whose beauty is still as obvious as it was twenty or thirty years ago.

Biographical Information

Countess Olga Ippolitovna Borschova (maiden name Kutaisova) (1835 - 1900). The mother of Olga Sergeevna Lebedeva. She was married to (military rank) captain Sergei Mikhailovich Borschov (1826 - 1888). In 1857 Olga and her children Mikhail and Olga were assigned to the nobility by the right of kinship with Borschov famıly.Сергей-Михайлович-Борщов/6000000017845053205
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