This is how he might look like...
Aleksandr Alexandrovich Lebedev (Saşa) (1843 - 1882)
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Avrupa'da Bir Cevelan p. 684 (b14-b21)
yanıma koşan gelen zat tokuz on yaşında gayet güzel zeki sevimli bir çocuk oldığını görüb hele kemal-i safvet ve serbesti-i tiflane ile bana elini uzatarak
- Bonjur misyo exelans Mithat!
diyince artık büsbütün şibhem kalmadı ki madam Gülnar'ın oğlı İskender Saşa'dır.
When i saw that person who came running to me was a very handsome, intelligent and cute boy of nine or ten years old and when he extended his hand to me with great purity and childish independence saying 'Bonjur misyo ekselans Mithat!'' i had no longer any doubts that it is the madam Gülnar’s son Sasha.
Biographical Information

Alexander Lebedev was born on 8. August 1880 in Pau, France in the Family of Olga Sergeevna Borsheva (maiden name Lebedeva) (1852-after 1928) and lawyer and Kazan city mayor (between 1883 — 1886 and 1889 — 1903) Alexander Alexandrovich Lebedev (1843-1910). He was one of four kids born from this marriage.
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