This is how he looked like
Ivan Alekseevich Zinoviev (1835-1917)
Ivan Zinoviev in travelogue:

Bu akşam kadın erkek bir kheyli zevata daha prezante edildik ise de bunlar meyanında bil-khassa bir danesi suret-i makhsusede şayan tezkardır. Şöyle ki:
Bir salondan diğerine çıkmak üzere tamam kapu mukabeline geldiğimde uzun boylı kara sakallı güzel yüzlü bir adam kemal-i beşaşet nevazeşkari ile beni karşuladı ki kolunda da orta boylı ve orta yaşlı bir kadın var idi. Bu adam:
Size evvela kendimi prezante etmeliyim. Ben burada Rusya Jeneral Konsolusıyım. Bu Madam dahı ‘poliğlot’ yani elsine-yi adideye aşna bir Rus asilzadesi olub Osmanlıca’yı da bildiğinden sizinle maarife husuli arzusundadır.

This evening, we were introduced to a considerable number of men and women, but among them, one, in particular, deserves attention due to his distinguished appearance. Here's how it goes:
When I arrived at the entrance to move from one hall to another, I was greeted by a tall, black-bearded man with a handsome face who showed great courtesy. He had a woman of medium height and middle age by his side. This man said:
Firstly, I must introduce myself. I am the Russian Consul General here. This lady is also a 'polyglot,' meaning she is a noblewoman from Russia who is familiar with ordinary language and also knows Ottoman Turkish. She expresses her desire to establish an acquaintance with you.

(ABC, p. 173)
Bibliographical Information

Ivan Alekseevich Zinoviev (1835-1917) was a Russian diplomat and orientalist. After graduating from the Moscow Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, in 1851 he entered the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During his service Zinoviev continued his studies of Oriental languages and in 1855 for his work "Epic Tales of Iran" he received a master's degree in Oriental Literature at St. Petersburg University.

He occupied different diplomatic posts in the East: in 1856-1859 and 1863-1869 he was at the Russian mission in Tehran, Consul in Reshte (1860-1862), and the manager of the Consulate General in Tauriz (1862-1863). Since 1870 he served at the Russian embassy in Constantinople.

In 1871 he was appointed diplomatic agent to Romanian prince Carol I and represented Russia in Commission on the delimitation of spheres of influence of European powers on the Danube. In 1876 he was accredited as an envoy extraordinary and plenipotentiary minister to Persia.

During the Trans-Caspian expedition of 1880, Zinoviev advised General M. D. Skobelev on political matters and assisted in the procurement of forage and food for the Russian expeditionary force in Persia. In 1883 he became director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As a result of the rupture of relations with Bulgaria in 1886, Zinoviev, previously seen as a likely candidate for the post of deputy foreign minister, was removed from St. Petersburg to Stockholm in 1889 and was appointed general consul of Russia in Sweden and Norway.

From 1897 to 1909. He served as Russian ambassador to Constantinople. He did not accept the Young Turk revolution in 1908 and was recalled to St. Petersburg.
He died February 4 (17), 1917, and was buried at the Krasnoselsky cemetery of the Alekseevsky monastery in Moscow.

He held of half a dozen Russian state awards and many more foreign ones. He was married to a German woman, Anna Bogdanovna (d. 1917).ЭСБЕ/Зиновьев,_Иван_Алексеевич
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